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Unlocking Inclusivity: The Power of Self-Descriptions in Virtual Events

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Kyndall Elliott
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image with blue background that reads embracing inclusivity with self descriptions, boosting accessibility in the workplace. there is a black man with black hair and a white woman with red hair graphics.

In a world where virtual interactions have become a staple of our daily lives, the quest for inclusivity has taken on new dimensions. Virtual meetings and events, once hailed for their convenience and reach, now spotlight the pressing need for accessibility practices that embrace everyone, especially those with disabilities. 

Self-descriptions are a powerful tool that bridge accessibility gaps and also nurtures a sense of belonging and inclusivity. If you're curious about crafting a self-description or seeking ways to make your virtual spaces more welcoming for individuals with disabilities, you're in the right place. We'll walk you through why self-descriptions matter, how to effectively create them, and the key considerations for ensuring your events are as inclusive as they can be.

Unpacking the Power of Self-Descriptions

Imagine attending a webinar blindfolded. You hear voices, but you can't see who's speaking, their expressions, or attire. This scenario, akin to the experience of blind attendees, underscores the significance of self-descriptions. By providing a verbal snapshot of themselves, speakers make virtual spaces more navigable and inclusive, allowing all attendees to "see" through words.

Self-descriptions do more than cater to sensory disabilities; they are a declaration of inclusivity, acknowledging the diversity of experiences and needs in our digital gatherings. They send a powerful message: "We see you, we value you, and we want you here."

Implementing Self-Descriptions in Your Virtual Events

Start with the Why

Before diving into self-descriptions, it's crucial to understand and communicate their purpose to your audience. Emphasizing the goal of inclusivity and accessibility at the beginning of your event sets a welcoming tone and encourages participation.

Crafting Your Self-Description:

A good self-description should include:

Your Name and Role: Start with the basics. Who are you, and what is your role in this event?

Physical Description: Offer a brief description of your appearance. Think of how you would describe yourself to someone who can't see you. Mention your skin tone, hair color, glasses, or any distinctive features.

Attire: Describe what you're wearing. This detail helps create a more vivid image for the listener.

Background Elements: If your video is on, describe any notable elements in your background. This could include anything from bookshelves to a colorful wall hanging, adding context to your physical space.

: Sharing your pronouns respects gender identity and promotes a culture of respect and recognition.

Example: "Hello, I'm Alex, one of today's panelists. I have medium brown skin, short black hair, and I'm wearing red glasses. Today, I've chosen a blue shirt. Behind me is a white wall with a large painting of a sunset. My pronouns are they/them."

Guidelines and Best Practices:

  • Keep It Brief: Aim for a description that's detailed yet concise, allowing listeners to form a mental image without overwhelming them with information.

  • Be Mindful of Language: Use inclusive and respectful language. Avoid assumptions about what might be considered 'normal' or 'standard.'

  • Practice: If you're new to self-descriptions, practice yours before the event. This will help you feel more comfortable and ensure your description is clear and concise.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

  • Avoid Overly Personal Details: While it's important to provide a vivid description, avoid sharing excessively personal or sensitive information.|

  • Steer Clear of Comparative Descriptions: Phrases like "normal-looking" or comparing your appearance to common stereotypes can be alienating or offensive. Focus on objective descriptions.

  • Don't Forget About Consent: If you're encouraging participants to share their self-descriptions, ensure they know this is optional. Respect people's comfort levels and privacy.

Fostering an Inclusive Environment

Self-descriptions are just the beginning. Consider other accessibility practices, such as providing transcripts for audio content, ensuring your presentation slides are accessible to screen readers, and offering sign language interpretation or live captioning. These efforts collectively contribute to an environment where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can participate fully.

The move towards inclusivity in virtual events is not just about adhering to best practices; it's about fostering a culture that actively seeks to include and value every participant. By embracing self-descriptions and other accessibility practices, we can create digital spaces that are truly open to all, setting a new standard for inclusivity in the digital age.

Your journey towards creating more inclusive virtual events starts with a single step: a self-description. As you integrate this and other inclusive practices into your events, remember that each effort, no matter how small, is a stride towards a more accessible and equitable digital world.