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How Your Online Certification Can Prepare You for an Interview

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The fact of the matter is, there will be times when you land a job interview without a wealth of experience in the field you’re looking to break into. And guess what? That’s totally normal! It may feel like you’re in over your head or unprepared, but there are steps that you can take to make sure that you’re being assertive in the face of this inexperience and can walk into that interview as confident, if not more, than someone who has worked in that field for years.

Everybody wants to go into an interview with an aura about them. In most cases, that’s achieved through a certain type of confidence that’s earned and never arrogant. The good news is, you don’t need to have experience in the field you’re interviewing for just have that vibe in your back pocket.

One of the most effective ways to make sure that you’re prepared for the interview is to lean on the skills and knowledge you’ve gained through your certification. For starters, when you’re going into an interview with a certification, you know that your resume has already popped and intrigued the employer. Build on that confidence in knowing that you’re presenting attractive skills and position your desire to gain certification as a sign of your proactive, self-starter qualities you will bring to the job. Your certification signals to the potential employer that you are interested in growing and learning in this field and you’ve taken it into your own hands to go out there and get what you want.

By taking your certification into the interview, you’re letting the employer know that you’ve gone the extra mile to future-proof yourself for this role. There’s perhaps no better example in today’s climate than the way something like a Google IT certification can give you a massive step ahead. With this one certification, you’ll gain the skills needed to become a COVID contact tracer, allowing you to build experience for future helpdesk roles that you may not qualify for straight out of training. 

It is completely understandable to have nerves about an upcoming job interview, especially if it’s in a field you have yet to perform. The easiest way to not only calm them, but also project assuredness and competency, is to take action and become certified. We have made this process easy and it’s our mission to make sure you go into any interview with absolutely every tool and advantage you can get your hands on. Interested in boosting your career opportunities with a professional certificate? CareerCircle offers a variety of pathways to prepare you for the career of your dreams. Explore our courses and certifications now!