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Creating CareerCircle

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Tags: Find a Job

In 2018, we launched CareerCircle as a means to bridge the skills gaps and help underserved people find jobs. It isn’t enough to promote equality in the job market, we have to actively seek out and advocate for people with the right soft skills and passion, and give them access to the technical training they need to get hired.

Circle of Success: How Jasmine Found a Real Way to Grow Her Career

CareerCircle "Success Story" image of a CareerCircle member


Tags: Find a Job, CareerCircle Member Stories

It’s easy to get stuck. To spend years in the same position and look back with the feeling that you haven’t really gone as far as you thought. Sometimes we may wonder if we are stagnant in our careers because growth isn’t possible in our situations. However, the truth is, ...

Circle of Success: Eric’s Path to a New Challenge

CareerCircle "Success Story" image of a CareerCircle member


Tags: Find a Job, CareerCircle Member Stories

Sometimes, we just want a little something new. Whether it’s in our day-to-day life with smaller activities and hobbies, or big life changes like switching careers, it’s normal to be on the lookout for a fresh start. When it comes to one’s career, starting something new can be the difference ...